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The catholic church has less "customers" than the ADAC now.

Autorenbild: Philipp HoffmannPhilipp Hoffmann

⚡ The catholic church has less "customers" than the ADAC now. What might the churn rate have been and what can startups learn from that? Let's calculate.

The # of "customers" was highest in 1990 (guess why) with 28.3 million. In 2022 that number shrunk to 20.9 million.

So the total churn in these 33 years was 26.3% of members.

Let's divide that by the 396 months of this time period and we get to 0,065% of monthly average churn rate (which is an oversimplification but let's run with it).

What does that mean?

Yes, the church is losing customers and relatively fast compared to the organisation's long history, but:

for a SaaS company a monthly churn rate of 3-5% is considered "good". So the churches KPI is OUTSTANDING compared to most startups.

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