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In South Texas, the biggest rocket of humankind is being set up

Autorenbild: Philipp HoffmannPhilipp Hoffmann

Aktualisiert: 28. Dez. 2023

⚡ In South Texas, the biggest rocket of humankind is being set up

This is the SpaxeX Starship that will bring the first people to Mars sometimes in the future.

Like all SpaceX rockets it will be reusable and land itself back on the planet after returning from space.

However, it's so heavy that it can't land on its feet, instead the tower you see in the video will catch it out of mid air.

The first launches will be spectacular, either because it works or because everything will go up in flames.

By the way, the idea to catch it using a tower was developed in the 'Kerbal Space Program' video game as far as I remember...

"Serious play" reached mainstream :)

1 Ansicht

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