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š—œ š—¼š—»š—¹š˜† š˜„š—¼š—暝—ø šŸ®šŸ¬ š—µš—¼š˜‚š—暝˜€ š—® š˜„š—²š—²š—ø.

Autorenbild: Philipp HoffmannPhilipp Hoffmann

āš”Ā š—œ š—¼š—»š—¹š˜† š˜„š—¼š—暝—ø šŸ®šŸ¬ š—µš—¼š˜‚š—暝˜€ š—® š˜„š—²š—²š—ø. The rest is blocked for learning, thinking, enjoying nature, nurturing relationship and generating new ideas. The twist? I felt bad for that lifestyle.

Why? Everybody around me is super stressed, builds a career, makes more and more money - š—®š—»š—± š—œā€™š—ŗ š—»š—¼š˜ š—½š—®š—暝˜ š—¼š—³ š˜š—µš—®š˜ š—°š˜‚š—¹š˜š˜‚š—暝—².

The last šŸÆ š—¼š—æ šŸ° š˜†š—²š—®š—暝˜€ š—œ š—µš—®š˜ƒš—² š—Æš—²š—²š—» š˜„š—¼š—暝—øš—¶š—»š—“ š—¶š—»š˜š—²š—»š˜€š—²š—¹š˜† š˜š—¼ š—¼š˜ƒš—²š—暝—°š—¼š—ŗš—² š˜š—µš—®š˜ š—³š—²š—²š—¹š—¶š—»š—“, but Iā€™m not there yet.

Anyone else know that feeling? š—Ŗš—µš—®š˜ā€™š˜€ š˜†š—¼š˜‚š—æ š—暝—²š—ŗš—²š—±š˜†?

3 Ansichten

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